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Light Bulb Moments: Thanksgiving and Harvest Activities!

The STEM Nanny Company

Updated: Dec 3, 2021

Can your child or nanny kid learn from simple activities that use everyday materials? They can and learning through everyday experiences is our M.O! That's why we've compiled two weeks of activities that help your little ones refine their gross and fine motor skills, express gratitude and practice new Spanish words.

Download our free Thanksgiving and Harvest Activities Sheet for two weeks of ideas to inspire light bulb moments in your little ones!


Mess-Free Sensory Leaf

sensory fine motor

With only 5 materials your child will use coordinated control of their eye and hand movements, enhance dexterity and strengthen small hand muscles as they squish colorful paint. This simple festive activity is sure to make your little one fall in love with playtime. Ha, punny!

5 materials: • ziplock bag • fall-colored paints • cardstock • scissors or craft knife • tape


creative play

Feed the Turkey

Grab a recycled water bottle, construction paper and you'll have a turkey to feed in under 2 minutes! In this activity, your little one will enhance dexterity and strengthen their small hand muscles, associate what their eyes see with what their hands do (hand-eye coordination), review colors, and relate those colors to objects in their environment.

5 materials: • plastic bottle • pompom or cotton balls • plastic tongs • construction paper • googly eye or marker


Gross Motor Obstacle Course

gross motor play

Have energy to burn? In this activity, younger little ones will practice balance and coordination as they jump, hop and skip through their creation! Older children can flex their problem-solving skills as they follow complex instructions including squat twice, hop forward 5 times, spin left, and jump to #10.

2 materials: sidewalks chalk • open space


Raising Grateful Children

child gratitude

Gratitude is shown to be linked to happiness in children by age 5 and children ages 11 - 13 who practice gratitude expect better outcomes and are more satisfied with their friends, families, and themselves. Saying thank you, naming things we are grateful for, and performing acts of kindness are easy ways to implement gratitude into your weekly practice!

1 material: • an open mind and heart


Our agency understands the power of education! Our nannies' background in early childhood education, engaging Nanny experience, and passion for teaching allows them to identify, create or transform everyday experiences into meaningful learning opportunities. Learn more about our program here! Are you a stellar nanny? Submit an application here!


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